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DeShone Kizer Jersey urwrosbo

An unidentified mutilated body was discovered at the Montrose,Willie Roaf Saints Jersey,The remains of the body being taken away by Lyken Funeral ParlourEast Coast Demerara koker last evening.Only the lower part of the body was found. Police said it appeared to be the body of a male. It was clad in a pair of camouflage pants. Fishermen said the torso appeared to have been eaten by marine life.Reports revealed that the body was discovered before 17:00hrs yesterday. Some fishermen related that no one in the area was reported missing and it does not appear to be someone from the area.Police said that no report of a missing person was made recently.The decomposed body was removed by Lyken Funeral Parlour. Crime scene detectives also assisted with the removal,Tom Waddle Bears Jersey, and photographed the body.