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d Vans Low sneakers Maggie, as they sat on the boughs of the elder-tree, eating their jam-puffs, “shall you run away to-morrow?”
“No,” said Tom, slowly, when he had finished his puff, and was eying the third, which was to be divided between them — “no, I sha’n’t.”
“Why, Tom? Because Lucy’s coming?”
“No,” said Tom, opening his pocket-knife and holding it over the puff, with his head on one side in Menn a dubitative manner. (It was a difficult problem to divide that very irregular polygon into two equal parts.) “What do I care about Lucy? She’s only a girl — she can’t play at bandy.”
“Is it the tipsy-cake, then?” said Maggie, exerting her hypothetic powers, while she leaned forward toward Tom with her eyes fixed on the hovering knife.
“No, you silly, that’ll be good the day after. It’s the pudden. I know what the pudden’s to be — apricot roll-up — O my buttons!”
With this interjection, the knife descended on the puff, and it was in two, but the result was not satisfactory to Tom, for he still eyed the halves doubtfully. At last he said —
“Shut your eyes, Maggie.”
“What for?”
“You never mind what for. Shut ’em when I tell you.”
Maggie obeyed.
“Now, which’ll you have, Maggie — right hand or left?”
“I’ll have that with the jam run out,” said Maggie, keeping her eyes shut to please Tom.
“Why, you don’t like that, you Dame silly. You may have it if it comes to you fair, but I sha’n’t give it you without. Adidas NEO 10K Right or left — you choose, now. Ha-a-a!” said Tom, in a tone of exasperation, as Maggie Men Hoodies peeped. “You keep your eyes shut, now, else you sha’n’t have any.”
Maggie’s power of sacrifice did not Vans Damskie extend so far; indeed, I fear she cared less that Tom should enjoy the utmost possible Women Shirts amount of puff, Adidas Ultra Boost than that he should be pleased with her for giving him the best bit. So she shut her eyes quite close, till Tom told her to “say which,” and then she said, “Left hand.”
“You’ve got it,” said Tom, in rather a bitter tone.
“What! the bit with the jam run out?”
“No; here, take it,” said Tom, firmly, handing, decidedly the best piece to Maggie.
“Oh, please, Tom, have it; Adidas ZX700 I don’t mind — I like the other; please take this.”
“No, I sha’n’t,” said Tom, almost crossly, beginning on his own inferior piece.
Maggie, thinking it was no use to contend further, began too, and ate up her half puff with considerable relish as well as rapidity. But Tom had finished first, and had to Women Military Jackets look on while Maggie ate her last morsel or two, feeling in himself a capacity for more. Maggie didn’t know Tom was looking at her; she was seesawing on the elder-bough, lost to almost everything but a vague sense of jam and idleness.
“Oh, you greedy thing!” said Tom, when she had swallowed the last morsel. He was conscious of having Women Short Shorts acted very fairly, and thought she ought to have considered this, and made up to Off White x Others him for it. He would have refused a bit of hers beforehand, but one is naturallinks:
