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oment I heard the sound of steps descending the stairs.
“So you think this a better place for decision than the floor above?” exclaimed Guy Pollard, drawing up by my side. “Well, I not sure but you are right,” he added; Miehet Cg Citadel Parka and Män Coats I saw by the light of the lantern which his companion now brought down the stairs, the cold glimmer of a smile cross his thin lips and shine for a moment from his implacable eyes. Not knowing what he meant, I glanced anxiously about, and shrank with dismay as I discerned the black hole of the vat he had mentioned, yawning within three feet of my side. Was it a dream, my presence in this fearful spot? I looked at the long stretch of Piumini Moncler Donna arches before me glooming away into Ralph Lauren vindskydd the darkness beyond us, and felt the chill of a nameless horror settle upon my spirit.
Was Ralph Lauren Jackets it because I knew those circles of blackness held many Accessories another such pit of doom as that into which I had so nearly stumbled? Or 2017 Lapset Takki was it that the grisly aspect of the scene woke within me Moncler Naiset 2017 that slumbering demon of the imagination which is the bane of natures like mine.
Whatever it was, I felt the full force of my position, and scarcely cared whether my voice Kvinnor International Jackets trembled or not as I replied:
“You surely have me in your hands; but that does not mean that it is I who must make a decision. If I understand the situation, it is for you to say whether you will be murderers or not.”
“Then you do not intend to put us in possession of my father’s will?”
“No,” I murmured, and bowed my head for the blow I expected from him.
But he dealt me no blow. Instead of that he eyed me with a look which grew more and more sinister as I met his glance with one which I meant should convey my indomitable resolution. At Naiset Osito Jacket last he spoke again:
“I think you will reconsider your determination,” said he, with a meaning I did not even then fathom, and exchanging a quick glance with the silent figure at his right, he leaned towards me and — what happened? For a moment I could not tell, but soon, only Naiset Cg Freestyle Vest too soon, I recognized by my stunned and bleeding body, by the closeness of the air I suddenly breathed, and by the circle of darkness that shut about me, and the still more distinct circle of light that glimmered above, that I had been pushed into the pit Moncler Untuvatakki Naiset whose yawning mouth had but a few short moments before awakened in me such dismay.
Aghast, almost mad with the horror of a fate so much more terrible than any I had anticipated, I strove to utter a cry; but my tongue refused its office, and nothing but an inarticulate murmur rose from my lips. It was not piercing enough to clear the edge of the vat, and my soul sunk with despair as I heard its fruitless gurgle and realized by the sound of departing steps, and the faint and fainter glimmer of the circle of light which at my first glance had shone quite brightly above my hideous prison-house, that my persecutors had done their worst and were now leaving me alone in my trap to perish.
God! what an instant it was! To speak, to shriek, to call, nay plead for aid, was but the natural oulinks:
